Always Same Sexual Partners Can Increase Hazard of STD

Today, generations of adolescent sexual partners at the same time, according to the most recent survey to assess the sexual behavior of young people. The study shows that one in ten sexually active young people of same-sex partners, and is currently about 9.3 per cent of young people had to reverse this trend.

In the previous study in 2002 showed that 5 percent of children in Vermont and 6 per cent of children in Massachusetts were partners.some people want too much sex in there speed dating with there love partner.Adolescents usually caused by the same sex has brought the percentage of same-sex couples, and elevated to be involved in a variety of sexually transmitted disease (). Quote of condoms for young people has proven to be less than for the elderly, and can increase sexual infections among teenagers in recent years.

The survey was conducted in more than 17,000 youth in New York, said young people participating in their own sex or both sexes are more likely to sexually transmitted diseases and single women want too much sex with there dating partner. According to a report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 18 million cases of sexually transmitted diseases are reported each year in the U.S. is 50 percent of the group 15-24.

This alarming increase is mainly due to the lack of protection during sexual intercourse with your sexual partners and the figures are forced to have sex. Most children do not use condoms, if bisexuals, and their number was higher than for heterosexual behavior. Approximately one third of children are reported as forced sex bisexual early in life.

Some experts believe that this generation of young people are more sexually sexually transmitted diseases and sex education is not suitable for most gay, lesbian or bisexual. Take the necessary measures to increase awareness of sexual infections and their consequences. As treatment plants, should be strengthened.

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